Seán Doyle Painting Contractors are proud to have provided high-end painting services for the Scoil Mhuire Naofa National School project in Carrigtwohill, Co. Cork which was completed in September 2023.
This ABM Contractors development comprised of a new 3-storey primary school building with 24 classrooms and 2 Class SNU with physical education hall, support teaching spaces and ancillary accommodation.
The site works to the school grounds will consist of the provision of cycle spaces, bin store/external store, ball courts, playing field, secure special play area, landscaping and new entrance, boundary treatment and all other associated site development works. The works to the remainder of the school grounds will consist of the provision of car parking spaces, disabled access car parking spaces, drop-off and pick-up facilities. Inline channel and onsite attenuation storage measures will be incorporated into the development to manage flood risk.
Category : Public
Date : 2020 – 2023
Client : ABM Contractors
Location : Station Road, Carrigtwohill, Co. Cork